
As most drivers will know, it’s easy to creep over the legal speed limit, which is one of the reasons why speeding is the most common road traffic offence in the UK. The severity of speeding penalties, however, vary widely, from penalty point endorsement to a potential driving ban. If you want to keep your licence and stay on the road, we can help.
Tuckers Solicitors has a specialist [delete team] Road Traffic team with extensive experience in providing legal advice and representation to clients facing prosecution for speeding. Here we provide a brief overview of speeding offences and how we can help. For more information, please contact our expert road traffic and driving offences lawyers on 0808 169 5980 or email info@tuckerssolicitors.com – we’re available 24 hours a day, ready to provide immediate expert advice, representation and assistance.
Speeding Offences – An Overview
The law is strict when it comes to speeding. As soon as a driver exceeds the speed limit, even by only one mph, they are committing an offence. Fortunately, it’s widely recognised that strict enforcement of the law would do more harm than good, which is why drivers are usually only prosecuted for speeding if they exceed a certain threshold above the speed limit.
According to the current speed enforcement policy (although it should be remembered that not all police forces and officers follow this guidance), drivers who exceed the limit by 10 per cent over the speed limit plus two mph should face enforcement. How much driving speed is above this threshold will determine how the offence will be dealt with and the penalty it attracts. For example, if the speed limit is 20 mph, those driving at 24 mph meet the charging threshold and may be issued with a fixed penalty notice; while those driving at 35 mph in the same area are likely to be issued with a summons, requiring them to attend court for prosecution.
Speeding Fines – Fixed Penalty Notices
If a police office has reason to believe a driver is committing or committed a fixed penalty offence they may issue the driver with a fixed penalty notice. Most minor speeding offences are dealt with by the issuing of penalty points and a fine in this way. The fixed penalty system is a complex regime. The notice can either be accepted by paying the fine and accepting any endorsements or contested in court.
Those who wish to challenge a fixed penalty notice can only to do so within the suspended enforcement period and must follow a set procedure. It’s also important to be aware that the notice and fine will be upheld if it’s proved that you were speeding, irrespective of your reasons for doing so. However, if you believe you have received a fixed penalty notice in error (for example, you weren’t speeding, the vehicle caught wasn’t your own, you weren’t driving when the offence took place or there was no notice of the speed limit) and you wish to challenge it, please contact us as soon as possible.
Speeding Prosecution
Someone is likely to face prosecution for speeding if their alleged misconduct attracts a more severe punishment. For example, where there are already penalty points on your licence, you may be disqualified; or you may be charged with dangerous driving, where speed has been excessive. In regard to excessive speed, drivers are likely to be issued with a summons and required to attend court if they were driving at 51 mph in a 30 mph zone, or 96 mph on a dual carriageway or motorway. A successful plea of mitigating circumstances, where you have special reasons or plead exceptional hardship, may enable you to keep your licence or receive of a lesser penalty.
Speeding Defence
The law relating to speeding offences, including the fixed penalty system, is technical and it should be your first priority to ensure that you have specialist legal representation in order to achieve the best outcome possible. We work tirelessly to establish the facts of the case and to help you receive the best outcome. Our highly skilled team of lawyers can make the difference between you losing or keeping your licence.
Specialist Speeding Offence Solicitors in Manchester, Birmingham, London
Our lawyers are available 24 hours a day, providing immediate advice, representation and assistance during legal proceedings, ensuring the best interests of our clients. Please contact our Road Traffic and Driving Offences Department on 0808 169 5980 or email info@tuckerssolicitors.com.